Activities in Rudbecksgymnasiet / Activités au lycée Rudbeck

During our stay in Örebro, the French and Swedish students attended a lecture on the history of migrations to Sweden. The lecture was followed by a debate between our students and M. Johann Pearson, member of the Riksdag, about the immigration policy of Sweden. This then led to a collaborative brainstorming in workshops during which our French and Swedish students exchanged in English about the similarities and differences in the policies implemented by our two countries to intregrate young migrant students in our school systems. Here is what the swedish students wrote about integration in their own country:


Lors du séjour en Suède du groupe français, les élèves des deux pays ont pu assister à une conférence sur l'histoire de l'immigration en Suède.Ils ont ensuite échangé avec Johan Peterson, parlementaire suédois, sur la question migratoire dans son pays.

  • Conférence sur l'immigration en Suède

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